To successfully carry out "Dual targets" in the Northern Ninh industry
07:46 03/08/2021
In the first 6 months of 2021, the Bac Ninh Management Board of industrial estate issued new 49 investment registration certificates with total investment capital registered at us $391.12 million; It also grants 32 certificates of capital gain, for a total investment increase of $125.52 million.

Attracting exciting investments in industrial estate

Thực hiện thành công “mục tiêu kép” trong các KCN Bắc Ninh

During the first six months of 2021, Bac Ninh was one of the provinces to have industrial zones (KCN) severely affected by the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic.

In a sense, the Covid-19 epidemic in the KCN is in very complex and relatively critical bac Ninh province; In addition, the KCN has faced considerable competition for attracting investment between localities with similar potential, advantages and regional characteristics...

But under the leadership, creative and dynamic management of the NCN management Board (the management Board) and the prestige and experience of the local KCN investors (who managed, operated and developed the most successfully branded KCN in Vietnam), the NTP continues to have a special attraction to globally branded investors.

The attraction to investment in izs has good results, number and size of increased projects. This is a vivid indication of the efforts and efforts of the province and the management of the KCN of Bac Ninh in the past, contributing to booing the investment climate in stable Bac Ninh industries that develops under any difficult circumstances.

To do well in promoting and attracting investment, the management Board has taken interest in promoting investment activities with many innovations both in contents and in form, suited to actual circumstances in the current period; Special emphasis is placed on the promotion of investment in place and through their respective partners, firms that have invested and traded in provincial enterprises for investment connection. In addition, the Board focuses on administrative reform and improvement of the business environment; To perform good coordination between the managing Board and the branches in the province, between departments and units attached to it within the agency and between investors and functional units in the province.

With these efforts, in the first six months of 2021, the management board has continued and worked with more than 70 domestic and foreign investors seeking to invest in Bac Ninh enterprises. As a result, Ban attracted large investment capital sources, especially foreign investment capital (FDI) specifically: the Management board granted new 49 investment registration certificates for secondary investment projects with total investment capital registered at $391.12 million, reaching 49% from 2021 plan, of which: Granting 38 investment registration certificates issued to FDI projects with total investment registered at $312.45 million; Issuance of 11 secondary investment registration certificates for domestic investment projects with a total registered investment of 1,809.51 billion VND, equivalent to $78.67 million USD.

Also granting 142 phases of adjustment of investment registration certificates, including 32 projects adjusted for capital increase, with total investment capital increased by $125.52 million, specific: 126 phases of ADJUSTED FDI projects, of which: 27 turns of adjustment projects raised capital and total registered capital increased by $43.47 million; Sixteen modified DDI projects, including five capital adjustment projects, with an additional investment in registered capital of VND 1,887.4 billion, equivalent to $82.05 million.

Investment capital in new level registered and adjusted for the first 6 months of 2021 is $516.64 million (FDI: $355, 91 million USD; DDI: VND 3,696.88 billion, equivalent to US $160.73 million. Compared to the same period in 2020, the number of new registered projects reached 100% (49 projects / 49 projects) and the new level investment capital adjusted to 200% (US $516.64 million/US $258, 36 million). In addition, AN ADJUSTMENT level of 01 IZ infrastructure projects with a total investment increase of VND 1,180.4 billion, equivalent to $51.32 million.

Besides, the management Board has issued 05 notice for approval of capital contribution, share purchase and capital contribution by foreign investors at the economic organization.

In the first six months of 2021, the Northern Ninh KCN management Board has successfully carried out both the dual purpose and implementation of the state management and development activities of the KCN in the province and effectively the prevention of the epidemic in the KCN.

Known to respond to the risk of Covid-19 epidemic, the KCN has taken seriously the instructions of the provincial People's Committee on the prevention of Covid-19 epidemic, and advises the provincial People's Committee on many practical and effective measures to implement and adjust the strategy for disease prevention in enterprises.

To support enterprises to stabilize production and business and greatly reduce the spread of the disease, ensure absolute safety in health and employment for workers in the industries.

During the "hot" periods caused by the Covid-19 epidemic that infiltrated the KCN, KCN leaders and staff regularly descended directly into the KCN to closely supervise and direct the situation of business production and disease prevention by enterprises in the KCN.

The Strict direction of the Bac Ninh Provincial People's Committee, the management board, of the KCN, for workers to eat, live and work directly at centralized housing and factories, and have achieved the objective of effectively reducing the risk of infection. Beginning on June 20, after essentially eliminating the Covid-19 epidemic throughout the province, the management board relaxed some of the anti-epidemic measures to return to normal for industrial production in the KCN.

It is followed by workers at the site carrying out directive 15 and 19 of the Prime Minister who will be tested twice, who will go home and will be able to work again if the business receiving workers who return to work must comply with only PCR and rapid testing (not having to eat at the factory, the enterprise.

Workers at the local level are carrying out Directive 15, and Government Directive 19 is still going to work in the enterprises located there carrying Out Directive 16, provided the enterprise has to set up its own production parks, eat separately and transport their own cars to these subjects.

In the first six months of 2021, Nguyen Duc Long, deputy manager of bac Ninh KCN, said there were 877 KCN companies assigned to more than 115,000 workers working, eating and staying in factories and shelters.

The provincial Management Board has set up 40 brigades with over 200 officers inspecting 330 enterprises in KCN. As a preliminary review, the lower risk of infection was 39.5 percent, the lower risk of infection was 45.3 percent, and the average risk was 10.4 percent.

In the last 16 days (beginning in June), there have been two cases in four factories of the enterprise. However, because of strict anti-epidemic measures, only one workshop has to halt operations and no cross-contamination appears. Bac Ninh expects that by July 10, the disease situation in the province will be fully controlled, and that all business and production in the KCN will revert to normal conditions.

Fully fulfil the State management and development tasks

Thực hiện thành công “mục tiêu kép” trong các KCN Bắc Ninh

In the first six months of 2021, the Management Board has effectively implemented state management and development of IZs in the area.

In the KCN, businesses experienced a very difficult period of fighting Covid-19 disease, while maintaining production and business stability. But with the high spirit of management and investors, about 20 projects have gone into production and business in the industries.

 In the past 6 months, enterprises in the KCN have achieved a number of well-defined production and business indicators: industrial production value of vnd548.882 billion; Turnover of VND584.932 billion; Exports totaled $16,580 million; Imports totaled $11,485 million; The budget was VND 5.626 billion.

At the same time, management has taken an interest in Labour management (especially at the sensitive time of the Covid-19 outbreak in the KCN) to ensure workers' interest in wage, reward and disemployment at the enterprise, etc. Northern Ninh industries currently employs 330,000 workers.

In the first 6 months of 2021, the Board of Implementing the registration of labor rules for 21 enterprises; Accepting labor agreements of 19 enterprises; - To grant new or re-grant 800 work permits to foreigners; Receiving notice of overtime work from 200 hours to 300 hours in 2021 of 25 enterprises; - Recognition of 12 foreigners working in IZs which are not subject to labor permits; Demand for foreign workers was accepted for 250 enterprises (1,200 foreigners).

At the same time, they did good entry work for foreign workers in the KCN. The settlement of dossiers and procedures for foreign workers is quick and effective to ensure timely supply of human resources to enterprises engaged in production and business activities without disruption.

In the first six months of 2021, the board submitted to the People's Committee for entry by foreign Workers for 13 waves of 2,556 for the total number of laborers, actually reaching 1,521 persons (03 of those without entry of 702); Additional departement support for 4 enterprises (6 people).

On the other hand, to have dealt well with the relevant work such as: sum up the foreign labor situation to report to the provincial Covid-19 Steering Committee; Coordinating with the Covid-19 Epidemic Prevention And Control Board to conduct the reception and supervision of foreigners entering and entering the airport; Internal cards and guns of Friendship brought about quarantine according to the regulations; Cooperating with the provincial and Labor Service police to assess the entry needs of 19 enterprises...

The management of planning and construction shall be strictly done in accordance with the regulations. For the first 6 months of the year, the Implementing Board shall grant 40 planning certificates to investors; - Evaluation of basic designs and design of construction drawings for 21 projects; Grant 40 construction licenses and modify construction licenses for 13 projects. At the same time, cooperation with investors and localities accelerated the progress of liberating the ground and improving the infrastructure of izs to speed up the pace of attracting investment.

At the same time, post-investment management has been further promoted, conducting more revising activities and supporting enterprises through inspection and examination.

On the other hand, there is regular attention in THE fields of environmental management, order and fire prevention and control in IZs. To date, the IZs have ensured the criteria for green, clean, and beautiful and to the maximum extent possible of severe pollution; The safety of people and property of order and fire prevention in iz is ensured, and contributes to investors' confidence in a sustainable and developed investment environment. Service activities in izs are being tried in many ways to meet enterprise and investor satisfaction in the environment where many suppliers are fiercely competing.

To continue building and developing efficient and sustainable IZS

The Northern Ninh Management Board said that the development orientation of Bac Ninh Province will, in time, continue to build and develop some IZs in support; Iz attaching itself to the urban area in a modern, uniform and sustainable direction; To concentrate on attracting investment in large-scale, hi-tech and eco-friendly projects.

As a result, in the last six months of 2021, the Northern Ninh KCN board has set the goal of attracting about 100 secondary investment projects into IZs with the total investment capital registered for new levels and adjusting capital gain to around $1,100 million (85 FDI projects of $1,000 million total capital; DDI projects with a total investment of US $100 million).

Secondary enterprises in izs will strive to produce positive and concrete results: industrial production value of VND 1,200,000 billion; Export value is about $36.5 billion; The import value reached about us $23.5 billion; Budget revenues of about 11,500 billion VND; About 100 projects in operation; Create new jobs for around 8,000-10,000 workers.

 In order to achieve the above objectives and objectives, according to the Bac Ninh KCN Management Board, the following core tasks should be carried out in the last six months of 2021:

 For one thing, stepping up the work of administrative reform, especially reform of administrative procedures, ensuring the centralization of the population and enterprises.

Second, to closely coordinate and efficiently work between different branches and localities in order to relieve difficulties for investors and enterprises in time; To promote their role as a effective bridge between agencies concerned with investors and businesses.

 Third, to intensify the mobilization for the promotion of investment in izs; To continue renewing the contents and diversifying forms of investment promotion; Determining the field of spearheads to prioritize investment promotion.

 Four are, to accelerate ground clearance, build synchronized infrastructure in and out of IZs to accommodate a new wave of investment.

To enhance the inspection of the managerial work on the quality of construction works and the safety of labor projects in the IZ according to the decentralization.

 Review the projects after granting investment licenses and resolve to terminate the project operation, withdraw investment certificates for necessary cases.

 Year is first, to finalize the planning for development in Bac Ninh Province by 2020 with a vision for 2035.

 Six, increase environmental protection, especially for those at high risk of polluting. In the striving of 100 percent of the active KCN operating with a focused waste water treatment system to meet environmental standards.

Seven is, to keep an eye on the performance of enterprises to be resolved, supported and supported by difficulties and problems.

 Eight well exercised state management in all areas. Develop and organize the implementation of inspection plans for KCN enterprises, avoid overlapping and ensure efficiency. Participate in inspection and inspection delegations of the central and provincial ministries. To enhance information exchange, capture the performance of enterprises.

Stepping up the implementation of projects for development of service activities in IZs. To continue effectively implementing the service activities of the service service units under the department.

 Ninth, concern for the social security associated with industries such as priority investing in the construction of worker housing, kindergarten, shopping malls...

 Ten, further boosting and spreading the patriotic rally, contend with high performance from management units to KCN. / 

Translated by Nguyen Mai Huong, Chief of Office, Bacninh IZA
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Văn bản, chính sách mới Tiếng Anh Hỗ trợ thông tin đất-xưởng Doanh nghiệp trong các KCN Bắc Ninh-Enterprises in Bac Ninh Industrial Parks Chứng chỉ Sở Xây dựng Tiếng Anh CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY OF CONSTRUCTION
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