Extending deadline for payment of tax and land rent in 2023
14:48 26/04/2023
The Government has just issued the Decree No. 12/2023/ND-CP on extending the deadline for payment of value added tax (VAT), corporate income tax (CIT), personal income tax (PIT) and land rent in 2023.
Compensation in kind for employees working in dangerous, hazardous conditions
14:37 26/04/2023
On 30 November 2022, the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs issued the Circular 24/2022/TT-BLDTBXH stipulating the compensation in kind for employees working in dangerous, hazardous conditions.
Support from 1 to 3 million VND to the employees who lost their jobs and reduced working hours
15:26 28/02/2023
For the employees whose working hours are reduced, labor contracts are terminated because the enterprises are cut and reduced orders, they are supported once from 1 to 3 million VND from the trade union fund...
Adjusting the policies to support the people and enterprises in 2023
15:21 28/02/2023
At the Government’s regular press conference on the afternoon of January 3, Deputy Minister of Finance Nguyen Duc Chi informed about the policies to support the people and enterprises in 2023.
11:09 22/02/2021
On January 22, 2021, the Chairwoman of Bac Ninh Provincial People's Committee signed for issuing the Directive 02/CT-UBND directing 8 contents to implement the Resolution 02/NQ-CP dated 01/01/2021 of the Government, continuing to improve the business environment, increase the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) in 2021 as follows:
Formation of supply chain between the domestic enterprises and FDI enterprises
11:07 22/02/2021
On January 14, Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Huong Giang signed for issuing the Directive No. 01/CT-UBND on key tasks and main solutions to direct and manage the implementation of the Socio-economic development plan in 2021.
13:24 06/01/2021
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP dated May 22, 2018, providing for the management of industrial parks and economic zones; Pursuant to the Operation Regulation of the Bac Ninh Industrial Zones Authority (IZA); Based on the organizational structure and the actual operation of the agency or unit; The Director of Bac Ninh IZA assigns the tasks to the leaders of the Bac Ninh IZA as follows:
Văn ban số 270/SYT-NVY ngày 21/02/2020 của Sở Y tế tỉnh Bắc Ninh V/v phổ biến khuyến cáo phòng, chống dịch bệnh viêm đường hô hấp cấp do Covid-19 tại nơi làm việc.
10:32 25/02/2020
Guidance for acute respiratory infections prevention caused by Novel Corona virus (COVID-19) at workplace (Not apply to health facilities) 직장에서 신종 코로나 바이러스 감염증 대응 및 예방 수칙 (의료시설 제외) 工作地方新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防治说明 不运用于医疗单位)
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