Operation regulations of Bac Ninh Industrial Zones Authority
Assign responsibilities and powers to deal with the work in the Executive Board of Bac Ninh Industrial Zones
to the Government's Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP dated May 22, 2018, providing for
the management of industrial parks and economic zones;
to the Operation Regulation of the Bac Ninh Industrial Zones Authority (IZA);
Based on
the organizational structure and the actual operation of the agency or unit;
Director of Bac Ninh IZA assigns the tasks to the leaders of the Bac Ninh IZA as
Tel: (84) 222 3870677
Email: nvphuc.bqlckcn@bacninh.gov.vn
As the head of the Department, is responsible for
administering all activities of the Department, is responsible to the
Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Head of Bac
Ninh Provincial People's Committee and the law for the operation and
effectiveness of the industrial zones in the province; coordinate with heads of
departments, branches, socio-political Organizations and related agencies in
performing the tasks of the Department.
In charge of general, comprehensive management of
the activities of the Department, directing activities in the following
specific fields:
1. Personnel Organization; training, fostering,
rewarding and disciplining cadres, officials and employees under the management
of the Department.
2. To advise the Provincial Party Committee,
People's Council, Provincial People's Committee on development strategy,
planning and implementation plan of construction and development of industrial
zones in the province; make domestic and abroad investment promotion plans
domestic and abroad.
3. As the account holder, the spokesperson for the Department.
4. Directly sign reports and documents sent to the
Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Head of
Provincial People's Committee; Ministries; departments, branches,
socio-political Organizations, relevant agencies during the operation of the Department;
directive and executive documents about the exercise of powers, duties and
results of handling administrative procedures in professional fields under the
authority of the Department, as decentralized and authorized by central
ministries and branches central government, relevant agencies; People's
Committee, Head of the Provincial People's Committee according to the
provisions of Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP dated May 22, 2018 of the Government,
Regulations on management of industrial zones and economic zones.
5. Directly in charge and directing professional
activities of the Investment Management and Inspection Section.
6. In the course of performing their duties, the
Head of the Department may authorize the Deputy Heads to sign relevant
documents under the authority of the Head to exchange and provide professional
guidance in assigned areas of responsibility.
As an advisor to the Head, responsible to the Head,
to the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, the People's
Committee, the Head of the Provincial People's Committee and the law for the
fields of work and tasks assigned to, direct and directly perform tasks as
assigned and authorized by the Head, including:
- Direct the performance of state management, drafting
legal documents, development strategies, master plans, plans, schemes, projects
and other management documents in the fields assigned by the Head.
- Directing and inspecting the implementation of
guidelines, policies and laws of the State, decisions of competent agencies and
the Head of the Department within the scope of assignment, detecting and
proposing problems that need to be amended or supplemented.
- Actively deal with the assigned work, if there is
a problem related to the fields of other Deputy Heads, then directly coordinate
with those Deputy Heads to solve. In case of needing the opinion of the Head or
there are different opinions among the Deputy Heads, it must be reported to the
Head of the Department for decision.
1. Mr. Nguyen Duc Cao - Deputy Director:

Tel: (84) 222 3874439
Email: ndcao.bqlckcn@bacninh.gov.vn
1.1. Directly in charge and directing the
professional activities of the Representative Office of Industrial zones:
a) Take responsibility for directing the
performance of construction quality management tasks for projects in industrial
zones (as prescribed at Point b, Clause 3, Article 63 of Decree No.
82/2018/ND-CP) ;
b) Responsible for directing the implementation of
the 'one-stop shop' mechanism at the Provincial Public Administration Center
and the 'One-stop shop in place' mechanism in industrial zones;
c) Take responsibility for directing the
implementation of the focal point to collect and provide information; coordinate
with relevant agencies, investment and development companies of industrial zone
infrastructure, People's Committees of districts and cities; maintain
coordination in performing state management tasks for activities in industrial
zones, in order to promptly detect, guide and assist in the effective resolution
of problems arising under their direct competence right at the industrial zones.
d) To be responsible for directing the development
of plans and plans to Organize activities to introduce and provide services in
the industrial zones in accordance with the provisions of law;
dd) To be responsible for directing the
establishment of initial profile information on labor disputes, economic
disputes, fire and explosion incidents, labor accidents and other violations of
law in industrial zones in order to promptly transfer information to the Department
and functional branches for settlement according to their competence and in
accordance with the law;
e) Maintain coordination activities between the Department
and relevant agencies and units in the process of performing state management
tasks for industrial zones according to the Regulation on coordination.
1.2. In charge of and directing professional activities of the Labor Management Section. Directing and performing the tasks and powers of labor management authorized under the provisions of Point c, Clause 3, Article 63 of Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP, including:
a) Issuance and re-issuance of work permits for foreign workers working in industrial zones; confirm that foreign workers working for enterprises in industrial zones are not subject to work permits;
b) Receive explanation reports from enterprises in the Industrial zones, about the need to use foreigners for each job position that Vietnamese cannot satisfy;
c) Organize the registration of labor regulations and receive collective labor agreements; receive and register the system of salary scales, payroll, and labor norms of enterprises in industrial zones;
d) Receive reports on the dismissal of many employees, the sub-leasing of workers, the annual results of training and retraining to improve professional qualifications and skills of enterprises in the industrial zones;
dd) Receive and process applications for registration of implementation of contracts for accepting interns of enterprises in industrial zones, activities of sending workers to work abroad in the form of skill improvement internships with a duration of less than 90 days;
e) Receive reports on the use of labor, report on changes in labor; receive notices on the Organization of overtime from 200 hours to 300 hours in a year by enterprises in the industrial zones;
g) Receive notice of the location, location, start time of operation and the manager, person holding key positions of the labor outsourcing enterprise in the industrial zones;
h) Inspect and supervise the observance of the law on labor, wages and social insurance for employees, protect the legitimate interests of employees and employers, ensure safety, occupational hygiene.
1.3. Directly in charge and directing the
professional activities of the Investment Support and Industrial zones
Development Center.
1.4. Is the person authorized by the Head to manage
the activities of the Department in case of the absence of the Head.
1.5. In the course of performing their duties, they
can use the authority of the Head of the Committee to sign relevant documents
to exchange and direct on expertise in the fields they are assigned to be in
charge of. The signed document must be under the authority and done in
accordance with the electronic process and ISO process of the Department.
1.6. Perform other duties as assigned or authorized
by the Head.
2. Mr. Nguyen Duc Long - Deputy Director:

Tel: (84) 222 3810935
Email: ndlong.bqlckcn@bacninh.gov.vn
2.1. Directly in charge and directing professional
activities of the Planning and Construction Management Section.
2.1.1. Directing the performance of assigned and
authorized planning management tasks and powers specified at Point b, Clause 3,
Article 63, Point a, Clause 1, Article 64 of Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP,
a) Formulate and report to the People's Committee
of the province to submit to the Prime Minister for decision according to its
competence for the general planning on construction of industrial zones;
b) Adjust the approved construction planning of the
industrial zones, but do not change the planning structure according to the
provisions of the law on construction;
c) Approve tasks and detailed construction planning
projects of projects in industrial zones subject to detailed construction
planning in accordance with the law on construction.
2.1.2. Directing the performance of tasks and
powers of specialized construction agencies in accordance with the provisions
of the Law on Construction No. 50/2014/QH13 dated June 18, 2014; Law No.
62/2020/QH14 dated June 17, 2020 amending and supplementing a number of
articles of the Construction Law and the decisions on assignment,
decentralization and authorization of the Provincial People's Committee;
Decentralized and authorized construction management tasks and powers specified
at Point b, Clause 3, Article 63 of Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP, including:
a) Project appraisal and construction design and
estimate fall under the authority of the Department of Construction Management
specialized for projects and works in industrial zones;
b) Granting, adjusting, extending, re-granting and
withdrawing work construction permits, for construction works in industrial
zones, must have a construction permit.
2.1.3. Direct the performance of assigned land
management tasks and powers specified at Point dd Clause 2 Article 63, Point a
Clause 2 and Points g and h Clause 3 Article 64 Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP ,
a) Formulate and submit to competent authorities
for approval, organize the implementation of detailed master plans and plans on
land use in industrial zones;
b) Perform the task of receiving registration of
price brackets for land lease, land sublease and industrial park infrastructure
fees from investors building and developing industrial park infrastructure (if
c) Effectively manage and use the allocated
specialized land and water surface fund according to the right purposes for use
and in accordance with the general planning on construction of economic zones,
the planning on construction of functional zones, and the master plan on
construction of functional zones. , land use plan approved by the competent
authority (if any).
2.2. In charge of and directing professional activities of the Business Management Section. Directing the performance of a number of tasks and powers related to investment management specified at Point c, Clause 1, Point b, Point e, Point h, Point k and Point l Clause 2 Article 63 of Decree No. 82/2018/ND -CP, including:
2.2.1. Investment sector:
a) Withdraw the investment policy document, the investment registration certificate;
b) Inspect and supervise the implementation of investment objectives specified in the investment policy document, investment registration certificate, capital contribution progress, investment project implementation and the implementation of commitments for projects getting investment incentives; periodically evaluate the effectiveness of investment activities in the industrial zones and report to the Ministry of Planning and Investment;
c) Direct the settlement of difficulties and problems of investors in the industrial zones and propose to the Prime Minister, relevant ministries and branches and the provincial People's Committee to solve problems beyond their competence.
2.2.2. Commercial field:
Direct the performance of assigned and authorized trade management tasks and powers specified at Point c, Clause 2 and Point a, Clause 3, Article 63 of Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP, including:
a) Issuance, re-issuance, adjustment, extension and revocation of the License for establishment of a representative office and termination of operation of a representative office of a foreign organization or trader located in the industrial zones in accordance with the provisions of commercial law;
b) Issuing certificates of origin for goods manufactured in industrial zones as authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
2.3. To be the person authorized by the Head of the Committee to be the account holder for comprehensive management of funding sources (non-self), economic activities, fees and charges (if any); sign documents and vouchers related to payment and use of the above-mentioned funding sources.
2.4. As Head of the Information Technology
Department of the Management Board, responsible for all aspects of the
operation of the Portal, Information System and Information Technology
application activities at the Management Board in accordance with the
operational regulations and responsibilities. of the IT Department.
2.5. In the course of performing their duties, they can use the authority of the Head of the Committee to sign relevant documents to exchange and direct on expertise in the fields they are assigned to be in charge of. The signed document must be under the authority and done in accordance with the electronic process and ISO process of the Department.
2.6. In the course of performing their duties, they
can use the authority of the Head of the Committee to sign relevant documents
to exchange and direct on expertise in the fields they are assigned to be in
charge of. The signed document must be under the authority and done in
accordance with the electronic process and ISO process of the Department.
3.7. Perform other duties as assigned or authorized
by the Head.
3. Mrs. Le Thi Thu Huyen - Deputy Director:

Tel: (84) 222 3811467
Email: ltthuyen.bqlckcn@bacninh.gov.vn
3.1. Directly in charge and directing professional
activities of the Office.
3.2. Directly in charge and directing the
professional activities of the Environmental Management Department.
3.2.1. Directing the implementation of assigned
tasks and powers on environmental management specified in Articles 43, Article
44, Point dd, Clause 3, Article 63 of Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP and Decree No.
40/2019/ Decree-CP dated May 13, 2019 of the Government amending and
supplementing a number of articles of decrees detailing and guiding the
implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection, including:
a) Coordinating in the appraisal and approval of
environmental impact assessment reports, certification of completion of
environmental protection works, environmental approvals, certification of
environmental protection plans for projects; investment in industrial zones;
b) Receive dossiers of registration for
certification of eco-industrial parks, collect opinions from relevant
ministries and branches, prepare a report on assessment of meeting criteria as
prescribed, and send it to the People's Committee of the province for
consideration and issuance. Certificate of Eco-Industrial Park;
c) Carry out the procedures for collecting opinions
from relevant agencies, considering and certifying eco-enterprises.
d) Perform other tasks as prescribed by the Law on
Environmental Protection in 2020 and the Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP dated January
10, 2022 detailing a number of articles of the Law on Environmental Protection
and classified, authorized by the Provincial People's Committee (if any).
3.2.2. Directing the performance of tasks and
powers in science and technology management according to decentralization and
guidance specified in Clause 2, Article 53 and Point e, Clause 1, Article 63 of
Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP, including:
a) Cooperate with relevant agencies in organizing
technology appraisal, technology assessment, technology level assessment,
technology transfer contract appraisal; inspect and control technology and
transfer technology in investment projects, research and development activities
and technology application of enterprises;
b) Perform the state management of science and
technology in the industrial zones under the guidance of the Ministry of
Science and Technology.
3.3. To be the person authorized by the Head of the
Department to be the account holder; Take full responsibility for directing,
administering and performing tasks in accordance with the law and the People's
Committee's regulations on the management of finance, assets, and the assigned
budget (self-funded source); sign documents related to payment and use of the
funding sources mentioned above.
3.4. In the course of performing their duties, they
can use the authority of the Head of the Committee to sign relevant documents
to exchange and direct on expertise in the fields they are assigned to be in
charge of. The signed document must be under the authority and done in
accordance with the electronic process and ISO process of the Department.
3.5. Perform other duties as assigned or authorized
by the Head.
1. Office (Phone: 84 222 3825232)
Nguyen Mai Huong
Chief of Office
Duong Dinh Thuan
Deputy Chief of Office
2. Department of Investment Management (Phone: 84 222 3825233)
![]() Nguyen Dac Trieu
![]() Tran Thi Minh
![]() Ngo Xuan Hoai
![]() Hoang Thi Thu Hai
![]() Nguyen Dinh Vinh
![]() Nguyen Ngoc Tuan
![]() Nguyen Mau Tang
![]() |
Nguyen Thi Ngan Hang
Deputy |
![]() Nguyen Chi Dao
6. Department of Labor Management (Phone: 84 222 3870688)
Bui Ngoc Thang
Lam Thanh Son
Nguyen Tien Quyet
![]() Trinh Hoang Long
Chief Inspector
![]() Nguyen T. Mai Huong
![]() Nguyen Thac Cuong
Deputy |
![]() Truong Cong Tuan
Duong Duc Tinh
Deputy |
9. Bac Ninh Industrial Zone Investment and Development Support Center (Phone: 84 222 3875526)
![]() Nguyen Van Hau
Vice Director
nvhau.bqlckcn@bacninh.gov.vn |
![]() Nguyen Quang Hoa
(nqhoa.bqlckcn@bacninh.gov.vn) |
![]() Le thanh Tung
Vice Director