The rate of online business registration dossiers in January reached over 92%
15:03 28/02/2023
In January 2023, the whole province had a total of 236 newly established enterprises (up 5.4% over the same period in 2022) with the total registered capital of more than 3,272 billion VND (up 62.5% over the same period in 2022); The average registered capital of a newly established enterprise was 13.87 billion VND. In which, the rate of online business registration dossiers reached 92.46%, ranked ninth in the whole country.

In January 2023, the rate of online business registration dossiers in Bac Ninh province reached 92.46%, ranked ninth in the whole country.

Accumulated up to now, Bac Ninh has more than 19,600 enterprises, of which more than 18,000 are operating with the total charter capital of over 339 trillion VND. The average registered capital of an enterprise is nearly 18.78 billion VND.

The Provincial Department of Planning and Investment has well performed the business registration work, ensure that 100% of the dossiers are licensed according to the regulations; at the same time coordinate in returning the results via the postal service; support and guide to submit online business registration dossiers via phone, Zalo…
Business connection
Văn bản, chính sách mới Tiếng Anh Hỗ trợ thông tin đất-xưởng Doanh nghiệp trong các KCN Bắc Ninh-Enterprises in Bac Ninh Industrial Parks Chứng chỉ Sở Xây dựng Tiếng Anh CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY OF CONSTRUCTION
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