Bac Ninh Industrial Zones Authority returns the administrative procedure results over 96% ahead of time
10:31 29/06/2022
Maintaining well the Quality management system according to the standard TCVN ISO 9001:2015; Maintaining effectively the operation of the administrative procedure receiving division at the Provincial Public Administration Center; Implementing the solutions to contribute to improving the business environment, improving the satisfaction index of enterprise, improving the PCIs, PAPIs,...

Administrative procedure dossier receiving division at the Provincial Public Administration Center

Summarizing the information from the beginning of the year to June 7, 2022, Bac Ninh Industrial Zones Authority received and handled 5,037 administrative procedure dossiers in the fields of: Labor and job (4,689 dossiers), Investment (201 dossiers), Basic construction (147 dossiers). In which, the number of early returned dossiers was 2,866, reaching the rate of 96.4%; the number of on-time returned dossiers was 107, reaching the rate of 3.6%; no delayed dossiers; 131 rejected dossiers, the enterprises requested to withdraw 199 dossiers.

Bac Ninh Industrial Zones Authority continues to reform the administrative procedures in a better way in order to always achieve the satisfaction and trust of the investors and enterprise.

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Văn bản, chính sách mới Tiếng Anh Hỗ trợ thông tin đất-xưởng Doanh nghiệp trong các KCN Bắc Ninh-Enterprises in Bac Ninh Industrial Parks Chứng chỉ Sở Xây dựng Tiếng Anh CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY OF CONSTRUCTION
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